Getting It Together 6 week program


Getting I.T. Together

Get your business online with my signature six week program to lose the overwhelm and stress of technology with a combination of videos, detailed step-by-step instructions, LIVE group coaching  / Q&A sessions and a supportive, online private community.


Mastering Mailchimp

Whether you are just starting to build your list or you’d like to learn how to master the more advanced features such as automation, landing pages, surveys and more…

Mastering Mailchimp gives you the freedom of confidently knowing what to do.

Different Coaching Packages available to suit

Coaching Packages

Experience a personalised coaching package that is customised for you and your business, saving you time, money and frustration using technologies that automate and integrate with each other.

A variety of coaching packages are available.

A portion of every sale we make, we give to those less fortunate… for example, business plans for women in Malawi, school books for children in Ethiopia, fresh water for families in Cambodia or Ethiopia, or ICT and Internet access for school children in Ethiopia ….

We believe in giving back and sharing the abundance with others…