Angi King

Hi, I’m Angi

Since the age of 13, I have been reading positive thinking books. My father and I would take turns reading Catherine Ponder’s book – “The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity – Forces That Bring Riches to You”. I loved the book, I loved learning about the power of positive and prosperous thinking. Little did I know at the time that the seed was planted for my future direction.

Over time, I obtained a number of formal qualifications – Bachelor of Business, a Graduate Diploma in Information Technology and  Certificate IV’s in Training and Assessment.

In 2006, I was working in Canberra (the capital of Australia) in the best job ever: travelling the world teaching people in the Australian Embassies how to use computer systems.  I love helping people become more productive, efficient and less stressed about using technology.

One day while in a book store, I came across a book with a multi-coloured heart on the front cover. About 12 months later, a friend was raving about a book she was reading, it was that book, “You Can Heal Your Life” by Louise Hay and my life was changed forever.  I became a certified Workshop Leader and Life Coach in her work as well as numerous other modalities.

The mind is so powerful!

In 2oo6, my mum was diagnosed with terminal liver and bowel cancer and was given four months to live.  We all stepped in – affirmations, healings, meditations….  and I am happy to say 17 years later she is 100% cleared and teaching 3 Tai Chi classes a week at 87.  I am so grateful for the impact Louise has in my life.

This really brought home for me the power of the mind…  If you believe, you can truly do anything. I believe that there is nothing you cannot do, be or have and the only thing that is stopping you is you. 

At that time, my hubby and I gained numerous self-help qualifications and started a sideline wellness business – Togetherness Healing. We loved helping people remove blocks and heal themselves so they could live lives and have businesses they love. 

In 2016, I left the corporate sector to move to the Gold Coast to be closer to our families and work in our wellness business full-time.  That meant an online presence.

I felt overwhelmed!

There were so many different components to bring together and integration and automation were crucial to save time – Facebook, Instagram, Mailing lists, online booking systems, creating beautiful graphics, running workshops, webinars and programs online… the list was endless …

and I felt overwhelmed, confused and frustrated like you.

I could see so many others around me struggling and feeling overwhelmed as well, and not knowing where or how to start.

Using my many years of program development and delivery expertise, I created one-on-one coaching packages and programs to show you how to easily, simply and effectively get your business online so you can enjoyably attract and engage your ideal clients and share your message with the world.

I still regularly deliver training in the work of Louise Hay as I believe a positive mindset is necessary to create a successful business.

It honestly brings me tears of joy when I see what a difference I can make for you quickly by removing the frustration and saving you time and therefore money.

Let me help you…..